Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Speaking Of...

In conjunction with last night's post, these are my activities for the day:

  1. Watch last night's Daily Show and Colbert Report while drinking coffee. (unrelated)
  2. Read about the new Rolling Stones single being released tomorrow.
  3. Read a list of the Top 10 KISS songs of the 1970s (slow news day, apparently).
  4. Discover there was a movie made in 1999 called Detroit Rock City about a KISS cover band: find movie online, prepare to watch said movie.
  5. But first, apply to work at Harry Potter: the Exhibition when it returns to NYC November 1st. I may never have been so qualified for a job in my life. And by that I mean I hope my Harry Potter knowledge and enthusiasm makes up for my severe lack of retail experience.
  6. Watch Detroit Rock City.
  7. Read The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling, because I'm way behind since I won't take it out of the house. I don't want anything to happen to it.
  8. Go to work at Fuerza.
  9. Buy groceries at Trader Joe's
  10. Come home, read some more, go to bed.
AWESOME DAY. This is what my days should always be like.

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