Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Got an e-mail from the director of NYU in Madrid (a woman who has never met me and knows nothing about my Spanish skills other than the results of that test I took at 1 am in April). Despite the okay from both Spanish teachers and the academic coordinator, she said no. So. Slow, boring four-day-a-week Spanish class it is.

As a person who has always been fortunate enough to excel academically, I've never had a problem with being judged based on my test scores, because they were always really good. It's quite the rude awakening to really see just how much one stupid number can affect a course of action. It's really frustrating. It feels like people are telling me I'm not smart enough for something. And I'm not asking for advanced classes, just a faster-paced, further along intermediate one. I kept up with everyone today just fine, but the administration is getting so hung up on this one statistic from almost six months ago that I don't feel is a fair reflection of my skills.

I guess I should go figure out what my homework is for tomorrow since I wasn't in class today.

The couch surfers were supposed to be here an hour ago and they still haven't called me. Hopefully I'll be in a better mood by the time they actually show up. They're a 26-year-old married couple from Salt Lake City (aaahhh, English speakers) and they're only going to be here about 12 hours, at this point, as they're leaving by 7 or 8 in the morning to head to the airport. Maybe they will be happy to just drink wine with me and get some ice cream from up the street.

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